Reflexivpronomen Englisch Übungen Klasse 7 PDF

Reflexivpronomen Englisch Übungen Klasse 7 PDF

Öffnen – Reflexivpronomen Englisch Klasse 7

Reflexive pronouns are words like „myself,“ „yourself,“ „himself,“ „herself,“ „itself,“ „ourselves,“ „yourselves,“ and „themselves.“ They are used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same person or thing. For example:

I hurt myself when I fell off the ladder.

In this sentence, „I“ is both the subject and the object. „Myself“ is a reflexive pronoun that refers back to „I.“

Here are some more examples of reflexive pronouns:

She washed herself before she went out.

They blamed themselves for the accident.

We can help ourselves if we try.

You should take care of yourself.

I caught a cold, so I stayed home by myself.


Choose the correct reflexive pronoun in each sentence:

1. I hurt __________ when I fell off the ladder.

2. She washed __________ before she went out.

3. They blamed __________ for the accident.

4. We can help __________ if we try.

5. You should take care of __________.

6. I caught a cold, so I stayed home by __________.

Answers: 1. myself 2. herself 3. themselves 4. ourselves 5. yourself 6. myself

Reflexivpronomen Englisch Klasse 7 PDF

Öffnen – Reflexivpronomen Englisch Klasse 7