Personalpronomen Englisch Übungen 5 Klasse PDF

Personalpronomen Englisch Übungen 5 Klasse PDF

Öffnen – Personalpronomen Englisch 5 Klasse

The pronoun „I“ is used when the speaker is referring to himself or herself. „I“ is always capitalized.


  • I am going to the store.
  • I have a cold.
  • I am happy.

The pronoun „you“ is used when the speaker is referring to someone else. „You“ is always capitalized.


  • You are going to the store.
  • You have a cold.
  • You are happy.

The pronoun „he“ is used when the speaker is referring to a male. „He“ is not capitalized unless it is the beginning of a sentence.


  • He is going to the store.
  • He has a cold.
  • He is happy.

The pronoun „she“ is used when the speaker is referring to a female. „She“ is not capitalized unless it is the beginning of a sentence.


  • She is going to the store.
  • She has a cold.
  • She is happy.

The pronoun „it“ is used when the speaker is referring to a thing or an animal. „It“ is not capitalized unless it is the beginning of a sentence.


  • It is going to the store.
  • It has a cold.
  • It is happy.

The pronoun „we“ is used when the speaker is referring to himself or herself and at least one other person. „We“ is always capitalized.


  • We are going to the store.
  • We have a cold.
  • We are happy.

The pronoun „they“ is used when the speaker is referring to two or more people. „They“ is always capitalized.


  • They are going to the store.
  • They have a cold.
  • They are happy.

Personalpronomen Englisch 5 Klasse PDF

Öffnen – Personalpronomen Englisch 5 Klasse