Modal Verbs Übungen Mit Lösungen PDF

Modal Verbs Übungen Mit Lösungen PDF

Öffnen – Modal Verbs

Modal verbs are a type of auxiliary verb that are used to express ability, possibility, permission, or obligation. Some examples of modal verbs include can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, and would.

Modal verbs are typically used with a main verb to express the main verb’s mood or tense. For example, the modal verb can is often used with the main verb to express ability or possibility:

  • I can speak French.
  • It can’t be true.

The modal verb may is often used with the main verb to express permission:

  • You may leave early if you finish your work.

The modal verb must is often used with the main verb to express obligation:

  • I must finish my homework tonight.

The modal verb ought to is often used with the main verb to express a recommendation or course of action:

  • You ought to see a doctor if you’re feeling sick.

The modal verb should is often used with the main verb to express a recommendation or course of action:

  • I should study more if I want to get a good grade on the test.

The modal verb will is often used with the main verb to express future tense:

  • I will call you tomorrow.

The modal verb would is often used with the main verb to express a past tense:

  • I would like to go to the park.

Modal Verbs PDF

Öffnen – Modal Verbs