If Clauses Typ 2 Übungen PDF

If Clauses Typ 2 Übungen PDF

Öffnen – If Clauses Typ 2

If clauses Typ 2 werden verwendet, um eine mögliche oder ungewisse Zukunft zu beschreiben. Wenn die If-Klausel in der Zukunft liegt, wird die Hauptsatz im Simple Present oder Present Continuous gebildet. Wenn die If-Klausel in der Gegenwart liegt, wird die Hauptsatz im Present Continuous oder Present Perfect gebildet.

Übung 1

Stellen Sie die folgenden Sätze in die richtige Zeitform um. Antworten Sie mit ‚wenn‘ oder ‚falls‘.

1. If I see Tom tomorrow, I will tell him your message.

2. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go for a picnic.

3. I will be very angry if you come home late again.

4. I will help you with your homework if you help me with mine.

5. Unless you stop making that noise, I will have to call the police.

6. I will be very pleased if you can come to my party.

7. If you study hard, you will pass your exams.

8. Unless it stops raining soon, the match will be cancelled.

9. If Tim arrives late again, his boss will be very angry.

10. Unless you leave immediately, I will call the security guard.

Übung 2

Vervollständigen Sie die folgenden Sätze. Antworten Sie mit ‚wenn‘ oder ‚falls‘.

1. I will be very angry _______ you come home late again.

2. I will help you with your homework _______ you help me with mine.

3. _______ you study hard, you will pass your exams.

4. _______ it stops raining soon, the match will be cancelled.

5. _______ Tim arrives late again, his boss will be very angry.

6. _______ you leave immediately, I will call the security guard.

Übung 3

Ergänzen Sie die folgenden Sätze. Wählen Sie die richtige Zeitform aus.

1. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go for a picnic.

2. I will be very angry if you come home late again.

3. I will help you with your homework if you help me with mine.

4. Unless you stop making that noise, I will have to call the police.

5. I will be very pleased if you can come to my party.

6. If you study hard, you will pass your exams.

7. Unless it stops raining soon, the match will be cancelled.

8. If Tim arrives late again, his boss will be very angry.

9. Unless you leave immediately, I will call the security guard.

If Clauses Typ 2 PDF

Öffnen – If Clauses Typ 2