Arbeitsblatt Englisch Uhrzeit Arbeitsblätter PDF

Arbeitsblatt Englisch Uhrzeit Arbeitsblätter PDF

Öffnen – Englisch Uhrzeit

The time is now 12:00 AM. Let’s learn how to tell time in English!

When we tell time in English, we use the 12-hour clock. This means that we divide the day into two 12-hour periods. The first 12-hour period is midnight to noon. The second 12-hour period is noon to midnight. Here are some examples:

  • 12:00 AM is midnight.
  • 12:01 AM is one minute after midnight.
  • 11:59 PM is one minute before midnight.
  • 12:00 PM is noon.

We use the letters A and P to indicate whether it is morning or afternoon. A stands for ante meridiem (before noon) and P stands for post meridiem (afternoon).

  • 8:00 AM is eight o’clock in the morning.
  • 8:01 AM is one minute after eight in the morning.
  • 3:59 PM is one minute before four in the afternoon.

We use the 24-hour clock when we want to be more precise about what time it is. For example, if someone is going to meet you at the airport at 3:00 PM, you might want to tell them what time zone you’re in so they know when to expect you. In this case, you would use the 24-hour clock and say „I’ll be there at 15:00“.

Here are some more examples of how to tell time using the 24-hour clock:

  • 00:00 is midnight.
  • 13:00 is one o’clock in the afternoon.
  • 14:30 is two-thirty in the afternoon.
  • 23:59 is one minute before midnight.

Remember, the 24-hour clock starts at midnight and goes up to 23:59. The 12-hour clock starts at noon and goes down to 11:59 AM.

Now let’s practice telling time in English!

Exercise: Complete the following sentences with the correct time. Use the 12-hour clock.

  • It is currently _____.
  • Right now, it is _____.
  • The time is _____.


  • It is currently 12:00 AM.
  • Right now, it is 12:00 AM.
  • The time is 12:00 AM.

Englisch Uhrzeit PDF

Öffnen – Englisch Uhrzeit